Have You Cleaned These Places?
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Have You Cleaned These Places?

There are things you clean every week as part of your normal housekeeping routine, then there are things you hardly ever clean at all. Dirt and germs can collect in these places, so go ahead and knock them out! 

Here are five spots you might not have thought to clean inspired by “Surprisingly Germy Places," including the rug in the picture on the right. 

1. Underneath your rug. When was the last time you lifted an area rug and not only cleaned the floor below it, but cleaned the bottom of the rug itself? Dirt, dust, and germs can get trapped too deep for a vacuum cleaner and get pushed to the other side, so occasionally vacuum the other side of the rug, too.

2. Your blinds. Blinds are dust magnets, but it’s easy to forget to clean them. Thankfully, for most blinds cleaning is pretty straightforward: a soft damp—not wet—cloth will do the trick.

3. Houseplants. Just like any surface in your house, plants collect dust, but you’re unlikely to clean them regularly. If it’s a smaller plant, spray it down in the sink and let it drip dry before returning it to its well-lit spot. For larger plants, try the shower or a shady porch. If you have tropical-style plants with big leaves, wipe them down with a damp cloth.

4. The top of the door. When was the last time you took a cloth to the top of your door where it meets the frame? If you can’t remember, it’s time to go take care of it! Doors collect dust, too, but they’re often overlooked.

5. The garbage can. Sometimes the bag tears or food gets dropped between the bag and the bottom of the garbage can. If that isn’t enough, it still attracts dust like anything else! Take it outside, give it a spray with vinegar and water, rub it down, and spray it out well with a hose. Let it dry completely before bringing it back in the house. To prevent odors, drop some baking soda in the bottom of the can before putting a new bag in.

When you get a good maid service, they pay close attention to details, so while you might need to stay on top of some of these tasks, you can certainly get some help! 

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